debate: is jordan palestine?
thanx to dovbear 4 hosting this discussion
c jameel's & aussie dave's blogs 4 live updates on the war, the IDF spokesperson's blog 4 official updates, & jack's blog 4 gaza-war link round-ups
pls pardon poor typing--2 broken wrists
Refuah Shelaima!!!
Hoping you feel better soon...and will be typing back to normal :-)
todah, & rav todot/many thanx 4 ur hard work in keeping us current re gaza war
i wouldn't mind being able 2 type normally (not 2 mention being able 2 lay tefillin again). in the meantime, maybe we'll get the speech-recognition software working 1 of these days. (laying tefillin will take tons of physical therapy, not 2 mention the assurance of my surgeon that it's safe 2 wrap a leather strap around my surgical scar)
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